Cleveland Golf Black90 and BlackCB irons were designed and engineered to optimize distance for golfers with lower swing speeds. The goal was to design two sets of irons that clearly communicated quality and forgivness while targeting a more mature demographic.
Personally responsible for "at address shaping" and cavity plaque design.
The Black90 and BlackCB irons both won" Golf Digest 2015 Hot List Gold" which is the industry authority on equipment evaluation basing their ratings on innovation, design and performance.

Lead designer and responsible for transitional design throughout the entire set of irons (Pw-4i). The main challenge was to maintain consistent design even though the construction method of the irons changed mid set. Full cast construction Pw-8i and Two piece construction 7i-4i. Plaque was designed in a way that we only had to make two sizes and thereby save on cost (industry standard is to make one plaque per loft).